Extbase Variable Dump
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Undisturbed sleep – without snoring and sleep apnoea

Many people these days suffer from sleep apnoea. Very few people know that there is an operative procedure which leads to a long-term cure.

What is sleep apnoea?

Sleep apnoea is a life-threatening condition that is characterised by loud snoring and cessation of breathing while a person is sleeping.

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Cured for ever

Professor Sailer developed the unique causal operation technique “rotation advancement” to provide a lifelong cure for sleep apnoea.

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Patient reports

The treatment method has been used in numerous patients. Read yourself how their lives have been changed.

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Dear patients, if you are seeking for a long-term solution to obstructive sleep apnea, I look forward to the pleasure of welcoming you to my clinic.

Professor Hermann F. Sailer

Prof. Hermann F. Sailer is an internationally renowned specialist for oral and maxillofacial surgery and has been studying obstructive sleep apnoea for over 25 years.At Zurich University Hospital he developed the unique causal operation technique “rotation advancement” to cure sleep apnoea, which is now a routine procedure in the Klinik Professor Sailer.



Sleep apnoea test


Monitor your sleep rhythm using an app.This medical tool records not only your snoring but also your sleep, and gives you tips on the precautionary measures which apply to you.

Now available in App Stores


Wissenschaftliche Zusammenarbeit mit Oxford University im Bereich Schlafmedizin

Schlaflaborant/in für
nächtliche Ableitung